
16 Jan 2014

Aviation Ground Safety Council presentation

Arepo were recently invited to present at the quarterly meeting of the Aviation Ground Safety Council at Heathrow Airport. The presentation, "Benefits of centralised data recording for Incident Management and Auditing", sparked an interesting discussion that centred around two main points:

  • the benefits of standardised systems not only within a business, but also with the clients the companies provide services to
  • the efficiencies generated by software to automate reporting to clients and regulatory bodies

Standardised systems

The Ground Ops Software Arepo provides has been built as a software tool for the aviation industry. This ensures that in a standard deployment, many of the terms and data fields collected are understood by the users of the system. Using the generic approach allows reports to be deployed quickly and, where applicable, shared between the Ground Services Provider (GSP) and the airport or airline client.

Automated reporting

Utilising common use software in the airport environment allows Arepo as developers to work towards standardising and automating some of the important regulatory or contractual reporting required by Ground Services Providers. Where the regulatory body, such as the Civil Aviation Authority, mandates that certain events are reported in a standardised way, GOSS can automate these business processes. As an example, if an incident needs to be reported using a standardised Mandatory Occurrence Report (MOR), GOSS can automatically generate this as a PDF once the incident data has been input. If the airport also requires a MOR, maybe in it's own format, the software can automatically generate the various forms. Further automation can be employed that emails the PDF to the relevant senior management and the CAA, drastically reducing the amount of time GSP staff spend completing different types of paperwork. 

If your company would benefit in a presentation of the benefits Arepo's Ground Operations Software System (GOSS) can provide, please get in touch or call us on +44 (0)20 7280 4390 and we will be happy to help. 

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