Value For Money

Start to benefit from the significant value for money that can be yours when you own a bespoke database from Arepo.

Annual Support

The single annual support & license fee covers the maintenance of your application and the Arepo Platform (upon which it sits), all year round. This provides our customers with assurity of price with no unforeseen expenses.

Fast Response

There is little/no waiting for support, as telephone support is provided under the annual support & license agreement and we endeavour to resolve any issues immediately where possible.

Efficient Use Of Data

Naturally, and with any database-driven web application, a centralised web database can be shared between multiple users and offices. Global access to the application is simple, via a computer with access to the internet, and a secure user name and password.

Managed Database Application

There are huge savings to be made when there is only one application and one installation to manage. Now individual workstation updates, network problems, and compatibility issues are all problems of the past.


Rapid Development

auto-generated database applications

Reliable & Flexible

automated development processes

Scalable & Robust

easily manages changes in business requirements

Legacy Proof

built and designed for change

Optimised For Growth

new features added regularly

No Unforseen Costs

fixed price confidence

Sales & Support

+44 (0)20 7280 4390