Accident database
Arepo's Ground Operations Software System includes a module to manage accidents and near-misses allowing aviation businesses to simplify their ISAGO accreditation and RIDDOR reporting processes through an online database. Accidents and issues are recorded using simple web pages, enabling users to centrally store related documents and photos. The accident database provides management reporting in line with your business needs including RIDDOR reports.
If your business operates across numerous sites then you could also benefit from an online database to manage your accident recording and reporting processes. Contact us on 020 7280 4390 for an informal discussion about your requirements to centralise accident reports.
About Arepo Solutions
Arepo Solutions deliver flexible subscription-based online applications for various types of businesses. Through our expertise and software solutions, we provide truly scalable and flexible products that can be aligned to your business requirements. Our online database solutions process large volumes of data every day, helping many businesses manage their operational needs.
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