
04 Sep 2015

First UK Bus roll out Tracerit for Driving Standards

Arepo's online software for the transport sector, Tracerit, has been selected by First UK Bus to help manage the group's Driving Standards initiative. 

Following the successful deployment of the Asset Management module earlier in the year, First UK Bus have selected Arepo to deliver an online solution that integrates and consolidates data feeds from numerous sources including fleet telematics, HR and insurance, and associates these with Tracerit's centralised solution to manage training records and Driver Quality Assessments, to calculate driver risk scores and profiles. Operations staff across the company have access to the secure online portal, helping them to identify driving staff who's driving risk has improved or reduced over time. 

Tracerit provides an easy-to-use interface with quick links and graphical reports, allowing managers to compare the risk profiles across multiple garages, and identify the most effective actions, such as specific training courses, that improve the risk profile. Automated alerts and reminders ensure that users have up-to-date information in their inbox. 

Tracerit's flexible software can integrate with many sources of operational data. Get in touch to find out more and to arrange a demonstration. 

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