
05 Oct 2016

Virgin Trains deploy MobileRP

Arepo’s latest software for the transport sector, MobileRP, has been released to Virgin Trains East Coast. Virgin will continue to utilise the back office management suite provided by another of Arepo’s long term clients, Revenue Protection Support Services (, but they will now issue Unpaid Fare Notices and MG11’s electronically. 

The Android-based software, deployed on Monday to Virgin’s on-train Revenue Protection staff, uses their existing Samsung S5 device with penalty notices printed using a Zebra ZQ-510 bluetooth printer.  The smartphone and printer have recently been released to staff to support the roll out of a new on-train ticket application across Virgin’s whole East Coast fleet. 

Virgin’s revenue protection staff will issue Unpaid Fare Notices and MG11’s using MobileRP on their smartphone. The software captures all of the relevant information for each offence and provides the ability to capture photographic evidence of incorrect tickets to support the enforcement process. 

The mobile software captures all notice information electronically, including customer signatures and photographic evidence (to confirm incorrect tickets for example), and the information uploaded to RPSS in real time via the mobile network or on-train WiFi. This dramatically reduces the time taken for notice information to reach RPSS' customer service team from days to minutes, helping to deliver a much improved and efficient service. 

Contact Arepo Solutions today (+44 (0)20 7280 4390) to find out more about the MobileRP notice processing software and how it can be deployed across your business to improve revenue protection services.

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